Thursday, October 20, 2011

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary

Okay, not specifically Scrabble related - I should be studying words with multiple Is, words with Js, Zs, Qs, all that stuff.

But, in my opinion, Scrabble players should know the meanings of every word they play!

Test V - hononyms
1. why does modern music have such a strange [a) affect b) effect] on you?

2. Most buildings have [a) stationary b) stationery] walls.

3. The [a) principal b) principle] features of Southern California are sunshine and smog.

4. Sitting contentedly by the fire, the cat licked [a) it's b) its] paws

5. His vocal [a) cods b) chords] were inflamed

6. he sat for hours [a) poring b) pouring] over the dictionary.

7. He listened with [a) baited b) bated] breath for the second shoe to fall.

8. Admiral Nelson is famous for one of the most important [a) navel b) naval] encounters in British history.

9. The scene of the accident was lighted by a huge [a) flare b) flair].

10. The boxer made a [a) feint b) faint] with his left.

And not precisely an honynym but one I see pretty often.

11. It's a [a) mute b) moot] point.

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary

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