Monday, December 12, 2011

Why is "De" a word?

I don't deny that "De" comes in handy - I see in my word list (that I will post in another few minutes) that I have used "De" 14 times in 2 weeks worth of games, averaging 3 games a day.

But come on!

Look up the dictionary definition of "de" and it says, "preposition, of, from, used in names."

And that's all its used for, and of course it's originally French.

If they're going to make "De" a valid word, then they really should make "Co" a valid word as well. (as in co-dependent, co-author, not to mention short for company.) They have many abbreviated words in the dictionary - none that jump to mind immediately, but I know they are there! - why not co?

That makes a heckuva lot more sense than being able to use "LOL"!

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